Transience of Life
Immediately I wake up most mornings, and I go for a walk. The walk serves a dual purpose. The first purpose is to commune with God in prayer, and the second is to help me concentrate on the communion (it doesn’t always work). I recently slacked off a bit, so I decided that today would be a good day to pray and walk in the morning since I woke up early.
I managed to stay focused on the communion until halfway into the walk when I noticed a sign (see, I told you) that I had never seen before. It was the obituary of a doctor and the information that patients should visit another doctor.
The obituary of this doctor made me thoughtful, and I wondered, what is the point of it all? Is this how it ends? One day we are strong and virile; the next, we are weak and frail, and then we die. If it ends at some point, why do we act as if we will live forever? Why do we make power, wealth, women, food, and other temporary things our primary focus?
Most of the things that seem important now will be of no use to us when we are on our deathbeds. The most important question, though, is that do you know where you are going after death?
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” — John 3:16
According to the Bible, death is not the end of it all. Our choice to accept or reject Jesus will determine how we spend eternity (and eternity is much longer than our time on Earth). You can read more about Jesus here and how His love for us made him suffer on the cross and die for us. His death reconnects us with God and grants us eternal life if we accept Him as our savior.
This life is transient, and it is not our destination. We can either spend eternity with God in Heaven or without God in the lake of fire. Our choices here in this life will determine how we spend eternity. Find God! Find Jesus, the only way home.